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Do I need an appointment?Yes, we are unable to accommodate walk-ins. Convenient 24/7 online bookings are available.
Will I be able to find out the gender of my baby?Yes, at 14 + weeks, we try our best. If not seen, then a free re-scan is offered with in a week. Accuracy in seeing gender is in mid 90th percentile. Never 100% If you are over 200lbs, then we recommend to wait until 16 weeks.
What if I don’t want to know the gender?Gender, determination is by request only. If you say NO means NO. Leave the rest to us. We will position our 3-D transducer in a way so the gender is not seen. OR, simply give you a warning. To look away from monitor for a few seconds. Or to close your eyes for a few seconds.
Will I get good baby face pictures?That is the goal, however, but not guaranteed. Every pregnancy is different. Many factors could limit an accuracy such as: Gestational age Fetal position Amount of amniotic fluid Placenta location Mothers body type No guarantee of specific images OR to get a perfect FULL FACE picture. If we didn’t get any acceptable pictures during your first visit, a free re-scan will be offered within 10 days.
How can I cancel or reschedule my 3D ultrasound?Please be sure to cancel/reschedule at least 48 hours notice prior to your appointment , OR a cancellation fee of $50 will be applied. Leave a clear message stating that you are canceling your appointment via mail at
Will my doctor be notified about my 3D/4D ultrasound?NO. Elective ultrasound is non – diagnostic and NO medical problems are looked at. However, if we notice something abnormal/concerning, your doctor will be contacted immediately. This is why we MUST have your provider’s contact information as requested. All clients MUST have current prenatal care. No exceptions.
When is the best time to have a 3D4D5D ultrasound?Depends on what you’d like to see. More than one 3D ultrasounds are chosen by many mothers to be to see different stages of growth. Contact for more details. In general: 14-20 Weeks: Gender. By Request ONLY 19-26 Weeks: Best time to see active baby. Some limitations due to baby position and maternal body type. 26 weeks to 32 – Close up face images for 3D4D5D. Some limitations due to baby position and maternal body type. 22 weeks to 30-32 weeks - 3D4D5D with add on 8K enhancement.
Would you tell me estimate of fetal weight, and baby’s health?NO. Elective non-diagnostic ultrasound is for entertainment and bonding purposes only. It is not a replacement for your regular baby health check ultrasounds, the kind you do at the doctor’s office or at a hospital.
How can I prepare for my ultrasound?Amniotic fluid around baby is a big key factor for good image. Be well hydrated by drinking water for several days/weeks before your appointment. 6 to 12 weeks pregnant, 45 min prior to your appointment, pee, and then drink 20 to 28 ounces water within 5-7 minutes. 20 weeks and beyond - Just be hydrated. Full bladder not needed. Sugary liquids help more, as it helps baby to move around. Apple juice, orange, banana shakes etc. Avoid sugary drinks, if you are advised NOT to by your doctor. Disclaimer: This is a non- diagnostic prenatal ultrasound service for bonding and entertainment purposes only.
Do you accept insurance?No. Elective, non-diagnostic ultrasound services are not covered by insurance. We accept cash and credit/debit cards when you book online.
Friends & friends allowed to join me?Yes, We encourage that! However, we can only accommodate up-to 6 guests at a time. Children are welcome and must be attended at all time for everybody’s safety.
Is 3D ultrasound safe for my baby?Yes. 3D/4D/HD ultrasound uses same technology as the 2D ultrasound at your doctor’s office. Ultrasounds services at this facility is performed by a registered experienced sonographer.

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